Esteban Molina

Esteban Molina is a certified Core Energetics practitioner, certified clinical hypnotherapist, certified regression therapist, and Reiki master. He focuses on assisting his clients heal their past, find their inner light, experience mind-body-spirit balance, and develop a sense of overall well-being.

He has a degree in psychology from his native country, Colombia. He worked as a psychotherapist in a medical institution before moving to the United States, where he continued his studies in hypnotherapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Energy Psychology (EP) and Core Energetics. He trained on Past-Life regression therapy with Dr. Brian Weiss.

He works with a wide variety of clients specializing in fertility, pregnancy and childbirth. He helps moms release fears and anxiety associated with their own ability to get pregnant and keep a healthy and stress-free pregnancy. At the same time, Esteban helps moms create a safe and loving environment for the unborn child. He also specializes in Regression Therapy, helping clients overcome fears, phobias and traumatic memories affecting their current well-being, so they can feel happier, more alive, and connected with others. 

He currently lives in Northern California, where he has access to clients world-wide. He is available for session via Zoom.